How to respectfully observe Memorial Day online, from a veteran who knows

How to respectfully observe Memorial Day online, from a veteran who knows

John Phipps doesn't want you to thank him for his military service any day, but especially on Memorial Day. "[Memorial Day] isn't about anyone who's alive," says Phipps. 

Phipps could have easily been one of those service members who didn't return home. Between 2003 and 2008, he deployed two times each to Iraq and Afghanistan. America started wars with both of those countries and was still embroiled in them during Phipps' tours. 

At 21 years old, Phipps turned to the Marines because he couldn't pay for college. "I had zero ambition or direction and I knew if I didn't break out of that cycle, all of a sudden I'd look in the mirror and I'd be 50 and I'd still be doing that," says Phipps.  Read more...

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