Ancestry company uses deepfakes to bring old photos of your great grandma to life

Ancestry company uses deepfakes to bring old photos of your great grandma to life

While some companies are fighting nefarious uses of deepfakes, others are embracing the technology for more playful reasons.

With our new Deep Nostalgia™, you can see how a person from an old photo could have moved and looked if they were captured on video! Read more: #RootsTech #RootsTechConnect

— MyHeritage (@MyHeritage) February 25, 2021

MyHeritage, a family ancestry company that offers DNA testing much like 23andMe, has unveiled a new AI-powered tool called “Deep Nostalgia.” The technology takes your old photos and animates the people in them, producing a full fledged moving picture kind of like the iPhone’s Live Photos. Read more...

More about Ancestry, Deepfake, Dna Testing, Tech, and Web Culture

from Mashable
