HBO's 'Street Gang' will make you want to revisit classic 'Sesame Street'

HBO's 'Street Gang' will make you want to revisit classic 'Sesame Street'

Half a century in, Sesame Street has become one of the most reliable staples of childhood in America. You probably grew up with it; your parents probably did too, and your kids are probably growing up with it now. Which can make it easy to forget how radical the show seemed when it first aired. That, in part, is what Street Gang: How We Got to Sesame Street is here to fix. 

The documentary takes a broad view of the first two decades of the show, digging into the heady days of its creation and introducing the visionaries who made it happen, while also serving up context about the world the show was being born into, and the impact it made on those first generations of viewers. It's a lot for one 107-minute movie to handle, and Street Gang tends to be more interested in offering praise than meaningful insight. But if any show's earned a victory lap, it's probably Sesame Street, and there's plenty of good feeling to be found here.  Read more...

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