UK bans new Huawei 5G network gear from September

UK bans new Huawei 5G network gear from September

The UK's big play against Huawei all comes to a head next September. 

Mobile providers will not be allowed to install new Huawei gear in the UK's 5G mobile network from the end of Sept. 2021, according to the government. 

The ban was announced in July, after the government reversed its decision to allow the Chinese tech company to have a role in 5G networks across the UK. This came after pressure from within the country's conservative party, but also significantly from the U.S., following sanctions imposed by President Donald Trump on Huawei on the grounds of national security.

A new law, the Telecommunications (Security) Bill, is up for its second parliamentary reading on Tuesday, and if passed will be used to officially restrict the use of Huawei's services in Britain's 5G networks — and issue big fines to networks found not complying (up to ten per cent of turnover or £100,000 a day).  Read more...

More about Uk, Telecommunications, Huawei, 5g, and Tech

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